Started a few new paths

Yes, a few new paths. As firmly as I believe that “man who chases two rabbits catches neither,” I do have many interests, and I’m not willing to give up on any of them.

First, I’m publishing the book I’ve been working on for six years. It’s called Your Data, Your Devices, and You: Easy-to-Follow Instructions to Reduce Your Risk of Data Loss, Device Infection, and Identity Theft. I have my proof copies, I’m making corrections, and I’ll go live with it on July 1, 2024. Then I get to start marketing it.

I’m going to use what I learn from my professional art store, Oakwood Fine Art Photography, and a course I’m taking through Art Storefronts. They’ll guide me through publishing and producing my artwork, as well as helping people discover my site and the great pieces I have to offer. Using the methods I learn there, I can also promote my book

I have an Etsy store, as well, which can be found at At twenty cents per listing, it makes sense to be there as well as on my own storefront, and the book that taught me about Etsy listings produces a piece of software that helps create the split images like the one shown above, which the storefront back end doesn’t, so I’ll also be able to offer those split images there.

I expect to be make a lot more use of this site as I work to improve my photography skills and publish more of my work.